Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Monday, 5 March 2012


This project is based on VTU syllabus. The proposed system is based on ATMEL 89S52 µcontroller that is in our syllabus.
For doing this project we use some of the software like
v  Embedded C for programming the application software to the microcontroller.
v  Protel schematic software is used for designing the circuit diagram for this project.
v  Express PCB software is used for designing the PCB for this project.
(Since PCB making is a big process and involves lot of machineries, which are expensive, we are going to outsource this to the manufacturer.)


Now a day there is a lot of burglary happening across the city, the reason behind that is police can’t make out the exact location of burglary for example if burglary is happening inside any area in the city, police will get information after the incident had happened, and then they can’t find out the  way the thieves had went. Now so many alarm system and security systems are emerging in our markets using high-tech techniques, but in our design we are implementing a home automation and security systems using GSM,GSM is one of the latest mobile technology using smart MODEM which can easily interfaced to embedded microcontrollers. Now everything is going to be automated using this technology, using this technology we can access the devices remotely. Using GSM and GPS now we can identify the people, vehicles etc in any where of the world.

        In this project there will be sensors inside the home, if any body comes forcibly to home the sensors output will give information to the system that somebody had came, then it will send the SMS to the owners mobile or make a call to police.


v  Power Supply 5v DC  -           7805   
v  Microcontroller                       -           89C51Atmel (www.Atmel.Com)
v  Crystal                         -           11.0592MHz
v  Memory                       -           Atmel 24C04 4k EEPROM                                       
v  LCD                            -           Liquid Crystal Display 2X16
v  MAX232                     -           Serial Communication
v  Buzzer                         -           Freq-1 to 18khz.Volt-5v-12vDC
v  Relays
v  Smoke sensor
v  PIR sensor
v  Panic switches
v  GSM Transmitter and Receiver (MODEM)


v  Embedded C.



The device consists of GSM modem, microcontroller, sensors, relays, memory and display. If the user wants to control some devices in his house he/she have to send the SMS indicating the operation of the device and then the system password, while the MODEM embedded with the system microcontroller receives SMS.the microcontroller will read SMS and check for the password the user had sent with the SMS, the passwords are stored in memory, so the microcontroller will read the password from memory and compares with the message password. If the password is correct then it will check whether the message is for switch ON or OFF the devices. According to the received message the controller will switch on / off the relays.

        The device is password controlled, therefore only the people who know the device password is capable to control the device.


      In the security systems the device is connected to sensors like PIR sensors, smoke sensors etc.when some body had entered home forcibly for ex the PIR sensor connected to the door will detect the presence of person, and it will give an interrupt to the microcontroller. then according to the program load in flash the controller will find out from which sensor the interrupt had came, then it will sent SMS to the owners mobile or police by retrieving the phone numbers from memory.(the owners mobile number and police number is stored in memory)



Power supply:
The microcontroller and other devices get power supply from AC to Dc adapter through 7805, 5 volts regulator. The adapter output voltage will be 12V DC non-regulated. The 7805/7812 voltage regulators are used to convert 12 V to 5V/12V DC


The adapter output voltage will be 12V DC non-regulated. The 7805/7812 voltage regulators are used to convert 12 V to 5V/12V DC.

Micro controller-AT89S52

The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry- standard 80C51 instruction set and pinout.

8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory
Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles
4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range
256 x 8-bit Internal RAM
32 Programmable I/O Lines
Full Duplex UART Serial Channel
Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz


      In the security system the micro controller is programmed in such a way that if somebody had entered in home with out permission the sensors will detect and gives an interrupt to the microcontroller, if the controller is interrupted it will give commands and user number to the modem to sent the alert SMS to the owner mobile.
LCD is connected to microcontroller as 4 bit data mode, before displaying anything in LCD Initialization have to do ,so microcontroller will  control the LCD initialization  and select the data register and command register according to the purpose.
       Memory is connected to microcontroller using two pins, it is communicating with the microcontroller through I2C communication.
Relay and buzzer is controlled by the microcontroller using single pins, Ie giving high means device will switch on and vice versa. Sometimes it may be interchange according to the transistor used to drive the device.


LCD’s can add a lot to your application in terms of providing an useful interface for the user, debugging an application or just giving it a "professional" look. The most common type of LCD controller is the Hitachi 44780 that provides a relatively simple interface between a processor and an LCD. Inexperienced designers do often not attempt using this interface and programmers because it is difficult to find good documentation on the interface, initializing the interface can be a problem and the displays themselves are expensive.        
LCD has single line display, Two-line display, four line display. Every line has 16 characters.


LCD is connected to microcontroller as 4 pins for data and a single pin for register select and enable,
            Using microcontroller does LCD initialization, before initialization the LCD have to wait for 30 ms delay.
            The main application of LCD in this project is to display the status of MODEM, status of sensor etc.for example if the microcontroller is initializing the MODEM, if any case MODEM failed to initialize the user don’t know what is happening in the system, so we are using the LCD to display the status.

This is the device, which is used to convert TTL/RS232 vice versa.
RS-232 was created for one purpose, to interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communications Equipment (DCE) employing serial binary data interchange. So as stated the DTE is the terminal or computer and the DCE is the modem or other communications device. RS-232 pin-outs for IBM compatible computers are shown below.  There are two configurations that are typically used: one for a 9-pin connector and the other for a 25-pin connector

Voltage range
The standard voltage range on RS-232 pins is _15V to +15V. This voltage range applies to all RS-232 signal pins. The total voltage swing during signal transmission can be as large as 30V. In many cases, RS-232 ports will operate with voltages as low as _5V to +5V. This wide range of voltages allows for better compatibility between different types of equipment and allows greater noise margin to avoid interference.
Because the voltage swing on RS-232 lines is so large, the RS-232 signal lines generate a significant amount of electrical noise. It is important that this signal does not run close to high impedance microphone lines or audio lines in a system. In cases where you must run these types of signals nearby one another, it is important to make sure that all audio wires are properly shielded.
The main role of the RS232 chip is to convert the data coming for the 12-volt logic to
 5 volt logic and from 5 volt logic to 12 volt logic

Vital role of RS232 Converter (Max 232n) in GSM BASED SYSTEM DESIGN FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION’ RS 232 CONVERTER is a chip to convert the TTL voltage levels into RS 232 level and vice versa, Maxim Corporation develops this chip.
        In this project MODEM is communication with the microcontroller through serial port, the microcontroller will send the commands to the modem through RS 232.and the data is read through serial port therefore to make compatible computer serial port with microcontroller serial port we are using the RS 232 converter.

External EEPROM memory (2Kbytes)

These memory devices are used to store the data for off line process. The AT24C02A provides 2048bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as 256words of 8 bits each. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low power and low voltage operation are essential. The AT24C02Ais available in space saving 8-pin PDIP.

Internally Organized 256 x 8 (2K),
2-Wire Serial Interface (I2C protocol)
High Reliability
– Endurance: 1 Million Write Cycles
– Data Retention: 100 Years
     ESD Protection: >3000V


     EEPROM memory is electrically erasable programmable memory, it is communicating with the microcontroller using 12C it contains one data pin and clock pin, these device is connected as slave to the microcontroller. the main application of memory in these project is to store the telephone numbers of user /police, in case if somebody had entered into the home microcontroller will send the commands to the modem with the user phone number, the number is read from the memory by the microcontroller.

PIR Sensors
Pir sensor (Passive infra red sensor) is used to detect the movement.


Sensor is used to detect the movement, if any body open door forcibly the sensor will give output to microcontroller.

Smoke sensor

Smoke sensor (Passive infra red sensor) is used to detect the presence of smoke.

Sensor is used to detect the smoke.

GSM modem (900/1800 MHz)

Semen’s GSM/GPRS Smart Modem is a multi-functional, ready to use, rugged unit that can be embedded or plugged into any application. The Smart Modem can be controlled and customized to various levels by using the standard AT commands. The modem is fully type-approved, it can speed up the operational time with full range of Voice, Data, Fax and Short Messages (Point to Point and Cell Broadcast), the modem also supports GPRS (Class 2*) for spontaneous data transfer.


Description of the interfaces

The modem comprises several interfaces:
-          LED Function including operating Status
-          External antenna ( via SMA)
-          Serial and control link
-          Power Supply ( Via 2 pin Phoenix tm  contact )
-          SIM card holder


LED Status Indicator

The LED will indicate different status of the modem:

-          OFF                             Modem Switched off
-          ON                              Modem is connecting to the network
-          Flashing Slowly          Modem is in idle mode
-          Flashing rapidly          Modem is in transmission/communication (GSM only)


GSM is one of the latest mobile technologies using smart MODEM, which can easily interfaced to embedded microcontrollers. Now everything is going to be automated using this technology, using this technology we can access the devices remotely. Using GSM and GPS now we can identify the people, vehicles etc in any where of the world.
MODEM is communicating with the microcontroller using AT commands, for example if we want to send an SMS to number 98xxxxxxxxx,the commands we have to send is AT+CMGS=”<98xxxxxxxxxx>”, <enter>, <message>, <ctrl-Z>.
               In this project it is used to send SMS to the owners mobile when somebody entered the home without permission.

v  Home automation
v  Office automation.

       In this project in future we can add a multimedia camera to see what is going inside the home by sitting in office or somewhere.

Fraud Detection in High Voltage Electricity Consumers

          1. Introduction

One of the greatest problems that Brazilians electrical energy power distribution companies have  to deal is the commercial losses, mainly resulted from consumer’s frauds. To reduce losses, the companies realize in loco inspections to try to detect frauds. The inspections are made by technicians that visit the consumer and evaluate equipments and electricity connections. Generally, company specialists indicate which consumer must undergo an inspection. However, due the high quantity of consumer, it is almost impossible to evaluate each consumer behavior and indicate the ones that are suspicious of fraud. Also, it is not viable to inspect all the units, because the number of consumers fraudulent is small compared to the total number of clients. This problem is present in all consumer classes, from residential to industrial. Still, high voltage electricity consumers reflect major financial loss because of its high energy consumption and differentiated electrical demand (KW) fees and consumption (KWh). However, it’s known that electrical energy distribution companies store client information on their database. This information can be used as input on a data mining system, identifying clients with suspicious behavior, that is, good candidates to undergo inspection. There are many works about fraud detection, however a few of them about fraud detection for electrical energy consumers, and with some of the data mining techniques, such as Decision Tree and Rough Sets. Basically, the methodology for those works is:
1. Generate a sample database of normal and fraudulent consumers;
2. Preprocess the data to the data mining tools;
3. Apply the tools to create decision rules;
4. Verify which consumers fit the rules with “fraud” decision and inspect them.

However, there are some important characteristics that distinguish low from high voltage consumers, which make impossible the application of the above cited methodology. First, the number of high voltage electrical energy consumers (mainly industries) is reduced, what economically makes telemetering possible; the opportunity to follow others variables in addition to the consumption (KWh), and thepossibility to inspect all the clients over a relatively short period of time (annually). Second, to perform a high voltage electrical energy fraud is a complex and dangerous act, having a reduced number of detected cases, and the creation of a consistent fraudulent consumer database and the derivation of rules from this database are almost impossible. Finally, the clients must inform the maximum electrical demand (contracted demand) that they will need each month, information that may be related to the effectively registered electrical demand, showing possible abnormal consumption. So, the objective of this work is to present a methodology and an identification system for possible frauds of high voltage electrical energy consumers. Initially, the methodology based on an Artificial Intelligence technique called Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) will be proposed. After that, some implementation details of the frauds detection system (FDS) will be shown. Finally, validation, result and conclusion will be presented.


                        The methodology proposed here is base on a reference model known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), largely use on data mining projects. In the sequence the methodology steps are shown.

2.1 Choice of the Variables and Data Consolidation

Among the considered variables (or attributes) for each consumer, there are those whose values changing with time, called dynamic, and the ones that are kept constantly
unaltered or have rare actualizations, called static (or contract variable). The dynamic variables are the most important for fraud detection, because they represent the behavior of the consumer on time domain. However, for each time unit considered there are new values, the dynamic variables are more complexes to be handled and analyzed. Table I shows the chosen set of static and dynamic variables. To obtain information about the high voltage consumers, the data collected by measurement devices (telemeter) installed by the company for each consumer were used, as well the information existent on the contracts between consumers and electrical energy company. The measurement device (telemeter) registers the data of each consumer on a 15 minutes period, which gives 96 registers per day and almost 3,000 per month. Registers are stored on the device, and transmitted via RGPS at the end of the month. The cost of online transmission, or at the end of the day, still too expensive for the company. The database from a Brazilian electric energy distribution company was used on this work. The database store data of approximately 2,000 high voltage consumers. So, each month, almost 6 millions registers are added to it. When selecting the client’s data, within a desired time
interval (12 months for example), a great data volume is received, and it have to be prepared in order to apply the data mining tool of the next step. The consumption (KWh)
variable, with 96 registers per day, was grouped on weekdays– Monday to Friday, which means, blocks of 480 (5x96) registers. Therefore, register 1 represents 00:00:00 Monday consumption and register 480 is consumption on Friday at 23:45:00. So, client consumption was converted into big weekly registers, each one with 480 values. Saturdays and Sundays were excluded because they are atypical days, on these days the client could be consuming normally, partially or even not realizing any activity.

TABLE 2.1.1


2.2 Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)

SOM is an specific Artificial Neural Network model of non-supervised knowledge that maps a time variant input according to its graphical representation, allowing the identification of clusters or patterns comparable to the inputs.In other words, given a set of registers that can be graphically visualized, the SOM identify groups of registers that are similar (clusters). An important SOM characteristic is that information or orientation about the clusters is unnecessary, it can be used as identification tool for standard profiles on data without classification (or decision), like the one here. To illustrate how SOM was used as a data mining tool on the proposed methodology, data from a client was selected and weekly grouped (Monday to Friday). Figure 2.2.1 illustrates consumption (kWh) for 68 weeks (period of data collection). On the x-axis are all the 480 values that compose a week register, Monday (2) to Friday (6). The curve that is highlighted (black) represents the mean consumption of all the weeks (colored). It can be observed that are many distinct weeks and that each day behavior is similar in a way, what is not necessarily common for all the consumers. When applying the same weeks to the SOM, it found 2 clusters. The weeks that compose each cluster can be seen on the graphics of Figs. 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Analyzing Clusters 1 (Fig. 2.2.2) and 2 (Fig. 2.2.3), it is possible to notice that this consumer have a typical profile, represented by Cluster 1 (with 44 weeks), and Cluster 2 has an atypical profile, with an relatively low mean consumption. The graphic on Fig.2.2.4 shows on the x-axis all the weeks chronologically orientated, and on the y-axis is the cluster mean consumption. Now it can be clearly seen that Cluster 2 represents an atypical and sporadical consumption until week 50. However, after this week, it is the only cluster. The mean consumption for the weeks on Cluster 2 is 40% of the mean consumption for the weeks on Cluster 2, the suspicion that the client is performing some type of electrical energy fraud from the 50th week could be raised. However, the immediate supposition of fraud may lead to many false positives, for the reason that atypical behavior are common to some clients, specially those who present variable production throughout the year in due to the characteristic of it commercial or industrial
activity. Thus, the application of SOM for this problem needs to be complemented by other operations.

2.3. Automatic Behavior Analysis

The same way SOM is able to identify which ones are the week profiles that a consumer possess in a given time interval, it also can classify new weeks according to pre-computed clusters. Based on this, it is proposed that the behavior of a consumer may be analyzed as follow:

1. Verify if there is a consumption drop (negative variation) between current and anterior month of the analysis (30% drop, for example);
2. Select the last 12 months of data (historical) and organize them into weeks;
3. Compute the weeks clusters with the SOM;
4. Attribute each new week of the current month to one of the clusters found by the SOM (4 or 5 weeks per month);
5. Verify if each new week adequately fits into the cluster that it was attributed (fitness), or if this week probably represents a new profile unknown until now;
6. Verify if the unknown profile is justified by modifications of the consumer contract, keeping approximately constant the reason between monthly registered electrical demand and contracted electrical demand (RD/CD = k).

Fig. 2.3.1
Flowchart indicating the steps of the behavior analysis of
each consumer, each new month.

The flowchart presented on Fig. 2.3.1 illustrates the steps of the behavior analysis described above. On this analysis, it is admitted that all clients are normally consuming electrical energy. Those who present abrupt drops will go over a consumption behavior analysis, supported by the clusters found with the SOM. The methodology will point fraud suspects only when a really abnormal behavior is identified and not explained by contractual modifications of the electrical demand.


The methodology presented on the previous section fundamented the implementation of a fraud detection system (FDS). This system was integrated to the information system (IS) of a Brazilian electrical energy distribution company. It is important to emphasize that it is not expected as a result a FDS that substitute the critical sense and the specialist experience. This is because the quantity of high voltage clients is much less than normal clients (residential for example). This way, even so the system identifies consumers with high level of fraud suspicion, this normally small quantity is passive of supervision. This specialist posterioranalysis or verification of suspicions leads to eliminate inspections of the false positives, which are the consumers with atypical behavior of suspects, but that did not committed any illicit act. MATLAB  was chosen as FDS development platform because it comprehends a series of toolboxes that facilitate
data manipulation and analysis, even with the use of the SOM. The FDS is executed as a monthly scheduled task (service). So, every month, the system will perform the following tasks:

1. Select the clients that must be analyzed due to fraud suspicion;
2. For each client, its data is selected and the developed methodology is applied;
3. All fraud suspicions found are inserted into the database, as well justifications and additional information about the consumers, facilitating the analysis of the suspicions, which will be performed by the specialists.

To the specialists analyze the suspicions, a interface within the IS was created. When the suspicions are visualized, the specialists can: immediately launch an inspection; detail information of the consumer suspect to understand the motive that brought this alarm; free the client of any suspicion, once the specialist knows the motive of the alarm raised by the FDS.

 Fig. 3.1 illustrates the integration between IS and FDS, defining the operations that each system execute on the database.

Fig. 3.1
 Integration between IS and FDS.


For the FDS validation, a simulation was realized, where 156 random consumers with different behavior were selected. First, all of them were analyzed with the FDS regarding fraud suspicion. Then, all the consumers suffered an intentional and temporary 30% drop on their consumption register for a specific period of time, and were submitted again to the FDS. The quantities of suspicion, before and after the intentional consumption drop are presented on Table II. Analyzing this result, it can be observed that FDS is able to identify and judge as suspects the abrupt consumption drops without justificative or similar antecedent. In other words, if a consumer realizes a fraud, the FDS will certainly indicate this consumer as suspect. The justificative for the consumers, that even after consumption modification still as normals (15%), is that they present natural atypical behavior on the same months of the simulation period, however for the previous year. Therefore, the FDS admitted that this abnormality was expected.


Since the incidence of frauds on high voltage consumers is historically small (approximately 1 per year), and the developed FDS is on its first months of functioning, for now there is no registration of suspicions effectively confirmed as fraud after inspection in loco. However, the suspicions raised by the FDS are helping specialists to understand the behavior of their consumers, since only the more severe and intense abnormalities were observed before the implementation of the system.


One of the most relevant points of this work is the proposition of a practical methodology for data mining application on a real problem. This methodology can be easily applied on other behavior analysis problems, especially when historical abnormal cases are limited. SOM as a data mining tool showed to be very efficient. Clusters identification from data is not a simple task, especially when the identification is non-supervised. The consumer clusters showed to be very consistent with reality, taking apart regular from atypical weeks, mainly when consumer’s commercial or industrial activities drastically influence its consumption profile. Fraud detection is a very complex problem, once the differentiation between fraudulent and normally atypical profile is very subtle. The developed FDS showed to be satisfactory because it could perceive alterations on the consumption profile, and also it confronts this atypical behavior with the consumer’s history data. Therefore, when indicating a consumer as suspect, the FDS does not declare that it is defrauding, but signalize that consumption is less than normal, and mainly, that current consumption profile is different from the expected profile for this consumer. With the values found on the validation, it can be concluded that, on the hypothesis of a fraud, the FDS chance to point to a consumer as suspect is large. Inevitably, some consumers will pass as suspects on some moments. With inspection and certification that these consumers are not fraudulents, the FDS may be fed with this new information and start to admit the new behavior as already known. It is important to highlight that the FDS is parametric, and it can work with rigorous or loose values. With its practical functioning and respectively monitoring, it will be possible to tune these parameters on a more convenient way.


[1] José E. Cabral, Fraud Detection in High Voltage Electricity Consumers Using Data Mining" in Proc. 2008 IEEE Networking System, Sensing and control. Conf., pages 761-766, 2008.

[2] Y. Kou, Survey of Fraud Detection Techniques, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, vol. 1, pages 749–754, 2004.

[3] J. R. Filho, "Fraud Identification In Electricity Company Costumers Using Decision Tree" in Proc. 2004 IEEE SMC System, Man and Cybernetics Conf., pp. 3730-3734, 2004.

[4] J. E. Cabral, " Methodology for Fraud Detection Using Rough Sets." in Proc. 2006 IEEE Granular Computing Conf., pages 244-249, 2006.